
Next competition date:

April, 11-14, 2024
Format: «REMOTE»

Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov
Interregional Concert Worker´s Union
The Center of International Cooperation — Inter Aspect

Second International Festival and Competition of Orchestras and instrumental ensembles

“The Symphony of the World”

Format: «REMOTE»

April, 21 — 24, 2022
St. Petersburg, Russia

Dear friends!

We have a pleasure to invite you to take part in the 5th International Competition of Orchestras and Instrumental Ensembles “The Symphony of the World” from 21 to 24 of April 2022 in  St. Petersburg.

The purpose of the Festival is to promote instrumental art, enrich the repertoire and improve the performing level of the orchestras, and promote the development of the instrumental genre.


The competition is open to amateur, school, students and professional teams (ensembles and orchestras) from around the world working in the genre of instrumental art:

  • kinds of orchestras: symphonic (philharmonic) orchestras, chamber orchestras, strings orchestras, folk orchestras, modern orchestras: woodwinds orchestras, brass, pop, jazz;
  • by age: children’s category (from 6 to 12 years), youthful category (from 13 to 18 years), youth category (from 19 to 30 years), adult category (from 31 years and older); (participants of other ages are allowed in each age group, but not more than 20%);
  • by the number of participants: in ensemble should be minimum 2 (two) people, in orchestra at least 12 (ten) people, there are no other limits of number.


CATEGORY А: symphony orchestras (school, amateur, educational and professional groups).

А-1 – children’s age group from 6 to 12 years old.

А-2 – youthful age group from 13 to 18 years old.

А-3 – youth age group from 19 to 30 years old.

A-4 – adult age group 31 and older.

CATEGORY B: chamber orchestras and ensembles (school, amateur, educational and professional groups).

B-1 – children’s age group from 6 to 12 years old.

B-2 – youthful age group from 13 to 18 years old.

B-3 – youth age group from 19 to 30 years old.

B-4 – adult age group 31 and older.

CATEGORY C: folk orchestras and ensembles (school, amateur, educational and professional groups) from 2 (two) people, the maximum number of participants is not limited.

C-1 – children’s age group from 6 to 12 years old.

C-2 – youthful age group from 13 to 18 years old.

C-3 – youth age group from 19 to 30 years old.

C-4 – adult age group 31 and older.

CATEGORY D: brass bands and ensembles (school, amateur, educational and professional groups) from 2 (two) people, the maximum number of participants is not limited.

D-1 – children’s age group from 6 to 12 years old.

D-2 – youthful age group from 13 to 18 years old.

D-3 – youth age group from 19 to 30 years old.

D-4 – adult age group 31 and older.

CATEGORY E: pop, jazz and mixed orchestras and ensembles (school, amateur, educational and professional groups) from 2 (two) people, the maximum number of participants is not limited.

E-1 – children’s age group from 6 to 12 years old.

E-2 – youthful age group from 13 to 18 years old.

E-3 – youth age group from 19 to 30 years old.

E-4 – adult age group 31 and older.

In each age group, performers of a different age are allowed, but not more than 20% of the total number of performers.


  • The deadline for application and materials is until April, 1 inclusive,
  • Placement of information materials from 15 to 20 of April on Facebook platform in group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/546763076650067,
  • Period of the competition from 21 to 24 of April
  • Announcement of final results on April, 25.


The competition program must consist of one or two diverse works of the choir’s choice (links to recordings must be on the YouTube channel).

Total playing time: no more than 10 minutes for ensembles and no more than 15 minutes for orchestras.

The competition program must reflect the style of this group, the thematic and genre orientation of its work, demonstrate the performing capabilities and skill of the musicians.

Attention! The team can take part in several categories.

Requirements for competitive materials:

  1. Video recordings of a live performance are allowed for the competition (without elements of editing and gluing frames in one work, overlaying audio tracks).
  2. If the collective performs two pieces, then the provided recordings may be different (from different places, videos may be made at different times).
  3. Video recordings must be no later than 2019, entries from 2020, 2021, 2022 are welcome.


  • The competition is open to all orchestras and ensembles, that submitted all necessary documents not later April, 1, 2022 by e-mail: interaspect@mail.ru and paid the competition fee.
  • Each team shall present one competitive program, arranged as a single concert (it is possible to send in all the works on separate tracks, but then it would be necessary to indicate the order of pieces so that the jury could evaluate the program in full).
  • All participants (orchestra / ensemble) provide to Organizing committee the following information:

—   introduction of the group (CV) (in English; max 20 lines);

—   introduction of the conductor (CV) (in English; max 10 lines) (no obligatory);

—   color photo of the orchestras / ensembles.

  • On receiving the application, the Organizing Committee will send a special competition entry form to fill out: full titles of works, names of composers and authors of lyrics, as well as LINKS to the recordings of the competition program. The recordings must be posted on the YouTube channel (!), and the links only should be sent in.
  • With their application, the choirs agree to the rules and conditions of the competition as well as using photo and video materials for publication on the competition website: http://en.orchestrafest.ru/ and on Facebook platform in group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/546763076650067


The jury of professional experts of international level will judge contest programs.

The assessment will consider:

degree of complexity of the program, mastery of performance, virtuosity, ensemble, nuance, strokes, sense of style, presentation of the program, originality, artistry.

EVERY CHOIR GETS ONE ASSESSMENT FROM 0 TO 10 POINTS FOR THE COMPETITION PERFORMANCE. Orchestra / ensemble can get maximum 30 points from three jury members.

The decisions of the jury are final and may not be legally challenged.


Places Points Prizes
GRAND PRIX Highest score of the

competition, but not less than 28

(among all categories)*


Diploma to the head

1st Degree Winner (1st place) 26 – 30 Diploma of the 1st degree Laureate
2nd Degree Winner (2nd place) 23 – 25 Diploma of the 2nd degree Laureate
3rd Degree Winner (3rd place) 19 – 22 Diploma of the 3rd degree Laureate
1st Degree Diplomant (4th place) 16 – 18 1st Degree Diploma by Category
2nd Degree Diplomant (5th place) 13 – 15 2nd Degree Diploma by Category
3rd Degree Diplomant (6th place) 11 – 14 3rd Degree Diploma by Category
Participant of the competition 1 – 10 Diploma of participation

* The jury awards the GRAND PRIX to the team that scored the highest score among all the participants in the competition and demonstrated excellent results in all evaluation criteria. The jury has the right not to award the Grand Prix (if there are no worthy applicants for the Grand Prix);

The jury will give a separate score to the conductor nominated in the program.

According to the results of the competition, the winner (with the highest score), the owner of the special prize «BEST CONDUCTOR OF THE COMPETITION»;

Soloists performing with the accompaniment of an orchestra (instrumentalists) can be awarded with special diplomas of the competition.

The best accompanists, by the decision of the jury, receive a diploma «For accompanist skill».

The jury has the right to:

  • to award additional special prizes
  • not to award some prizes;
  • to share award (in controversial situations);

The teacher who prepared the Grand Prix and 1st degree laureates receive a Diploma «For the preparation of the competition laureate and pedagogical skills.»


To participate in the competition, necessary fill out an application and send it by e-mail: interaspect@mail.ru, no later than April, 1, 2022.

All information materials and speeches will be published in the official group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/546763076650067


The group have to pay the competition fee for each category.

Couples (duets) – 25 euro (per group)

Ensemble from 3 to 6 people – 35 euro (per group)

Ensemble from 7 to 11 people – 40 euro (per group)

Orchestra from 12 to 24 people – 50 euro (per group)

Orchestra from 25 people and more – 60 euro (per group)

With the participation of the team in the categories, the fee is paid for each category separately. If the orchestra/ensemble is entered in two or more categories, fees for the second and subsequent will be with discount.

Contract and invoice for the remittance will be sent after submitting the application.

Electronic versions of Diplomas will be sent after the announcement of the results.

Reviews and comments of the jury can be sent by request of leaders.


Organizer’s website: http://interfestplus.ru/en/

Competition website: http://en.orchestrafest.ru/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/546763076650067

e-mail: interaspect@mail.ru